I Don’t Do Hookups (Except When I Do)
Someone said in a comment on a previous post:
It is my experience that there are substantially more women that are looking for relationships, than something casual. Just have a look at Tinder. If I had a nickel for every girl that said, ‘Looking for something real, NO HOOKUPS’…well, I’d have a shit ton of nickels.
I’mma explain something to you. You’re a man. Your experience is pretty much what you make of it, when it comes to women.
My experience as a woman (and in talking to women, it’s a common experience) is:
First of all, if I look on Tinder, most of the people of all genders say they are not there for hookups.
Which, when I am, is saddening.
Second, I don’t ‘do hookups,’ because the way men interpret hookups is WAY TOO LITERAL. Like, “Lemme get your name, then touch your girlie parts.”
That just won’t work.
When we WANT to get the D Delivery, we want it. We want it from someone we will not hate ourselves for, after, though.
And that takes a modicum of effort.
Originally published at https://datingkinky.com on December 11, 2019.